Programme: Verdi: Saper vorreste, Meyerbeer: Dinorah – Ombre légère, Strauss: Fledermaus – Laughing aria, Strauss-Cziffra-Balázs: Reminiscence paraphrases, Verdi: E strano, E strano aria, Verdi-Liszt: Rigoletto paraphrases, Liszt: Oh, Quand Je Dors, Ponce-Balázs: Estrellita, Gershwin-Balázs: Improvisation, Gershwin: Lady be good, Monnot: Hymn to Love, Piazzolla: Yo soi Maria
It was five years ago when Erika Miklósa and János Balázs first took to the stage together to find a “common tone” that joined their musical realms – the repertoires of the opera and the piano. The two worlds and the two performers found a path to each other with ease, as the opera, as well as the piano repertoires, reached a climax in the Romantic Period and a new revival in the past century. Both musicians wish that today’s audience should experience the freedom and joy of music that Mozart, Verdi, Liszt or György Cziffra’s audiences could feel. The coloratura soprano singing on the stages of the most prestigious opera houses with the great concert pianist on her side has compiled her programme of arias, popular songs, and virtuoso transcriptions without having to consider any limitations of genres.